Friday, August 15, 2008

To Potty Or Not To Potty

I am totally exhausted! We are potty training! People without children do not have a clue how worn out you get from simply making sure that someone under four feet tall doesn’t pee or poop in there panties. We go about every 30 minutes and we are always in a dead run.

Kate has done very well especially for a kid with such a mind of her own. I think I am holding up pretty well too. The medication helps. Don’t panic, I’m talking about Advil, but something stronger is not a bad idea. I must admit I never realized how expensive potty training a little girl would be. So far in the last three days we have gone through 4 rolls of toilet tissue. Let us not forget about the new panties I have had to buy. For the first 2 days Kate thought that she had to put on a new pair of panties EVERY time she went. I have bought 3 new packs of panties and each pack contained 10 pair! For those of you that are math challenged (like me) that’s 30 pair of panties! I do not even own that many and I am a professional shopper!

Our latest adventures in the potty have Kate turning into a true redneck. She decided today that she did not want to pee in the potty anymore. We were leaving to go get Carter at school when she made this announcement. I was running late and I did not have time to argue. She said she wanted to pee in the yard! Again, I did not have time to be anal so I agreed just to get her out of the house. Did I also mention that she insisted on wearing her night gown with the dancing monkeys on it to pick Carter up at school? Well, she did and to top off her ensemble she added her pink fuzzy slippers. It was like icing on the cake.

So anyway, we were outside in the driveway and here we go. Kate takes her shoes off, drops her panties, squats down and ….nothing! We stood there for what seemed like ten minutes and nothing! While we were waiting on her kidneys to kick in, three of our neighbors drove by and were cracking up.

Deep down I know what they were really saying “How did we ever end up with these people in our neighborhood?” If it had been a scene out of a movies the title would read The Clampett’s Move To The Golf Course” .

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