Friday, April 17, 2009

Bust A Move

Two weeks ago marked the second parent observation day at Kate's dance studio. We had dance first and during the warm up the teacher asked the girls to do their "butterflies". As they are "butterflying" she asked each little girl where they would go on their flying trip. The answers ranged from Disney World to grandma's house, except Kate. When asked where she would like to go on her trip Kate proudly answered "the shoe store"! That's my girl!

After dance we had gymnastics and it got a little more interesting. As I am sitting and doing my "observing", I noticed one of the other little girls bothering Kate. (In order to protect the not so innocent, we will call this little troublemaker "Lucy".) "Lucy" would get right in Kate's face and stick her tongue out at Kate and try to push her. Now, "Lucy's" mom was sitting right there in the room and did not say a word! By then, I'm praying "Lord, please give me the restraint I need to not grab this kid by the ponytail and drag her off that mat".

The good Lord anwered my prayer because Kate moved away from "Lucifer" I mean "Lucy". Next thing you know that kid followed Kate to the other side of the room and here we go again! Finally, my mother, who by the way, was there too said, "Stef, if you don't get that kid off of Kate, I'm going too". Again, I look over at "Lucy's" mom and I get NOTHING! No "Lucy" stop, no "Lucy" don't, NOTHING! Finally, I made eye contact with Kate and I gave her that look that only a mother can give a daughter, the look that says "take her out!". Kate stood up and pushed "Lucy" away and said STOP!

Problem solved, without having to make "Lucy" and her mom an "offer they couldn't refuse"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Who Invented Spring Break?

Aww! Spring break is upon us, but I am not necessarily rejoicing over the event. Don't get me wrong Carter being home with Kate and me is great, not to mention getting to sleep late. This, by the way, for my kids is only 8:30am. However, after the last few days at Casa de Crazy one must ask oneself "who invented spring break?" My first thought, whoever did was obviously not from the south. Any good southerner knows that we do not take "spring" breaks in the month of April. The only thing most of us "break" for in April is a trip to the local allergy clinic seeking refuge and some form of relief from the green monster otherwise known as pollen.

My week started off on a high note or should I say a "no" note. Monday morning I woke up and could not talk. The green monster had taken my vocal cords hostage. The kids took full advantage of the situation and were running amuck. I had to be crafty and resorted to hitting objects with a wooded spoon to get their attention. Tuesday the monster released my voice and began to infiltrate my head (it has been hurting for 3 days now).

Tuesday also marked our annual trip to the pediatrician for Carter's yearly physical. The doctor informed me that Carter has weighed the same amount for the last 2 1/2 years and has grew 3 inches in the last 12 months. Dude...could you imagine? All I can say is "dare to dream".

Wednesday was "D" day (dentist) for both Carter and Kate. Are you sensing a theme going on here? The kids fascinate me when it comes to going to the dentist. They love it! Kate has what I like to call a "toothbrush fetish". Anytime we go somewhere she wants a new toothbrush and shoes. The shoes are a whole different blog altogether. As of right now, she has 7 toothbrushes and she chooses a different one each morning just like she were choosing her clothes.

Today was much better at the Casa and sadly we only have a few more days in our "spring break". May they be increasingly more peaceful and somewhat "pollen free".

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Battle Rages On...

Well my friends it is that time of year again. People everywhere are rolling up their sleeves, putting on their dust masks and cleaning out their drawers. No, they are not spring cleaning, it is tax season people! Unorganized audit fearing people everywhere are searching for every bill and receipt they can find, all in an effort to fill their plastic Wal-Mart bags and over-sized shoe boxes.

Yes, the time of year that makes all the “number crunchers” of the world out right giddy is upon us and it is most obvious at Casa de Crazy. In the entire eight years Mark and I have been married one thing has remained unchanged during the annual “number fest” and that is Mark’s unwillingness to mow the lawn. I realize that it may sound like I am being a nag, but come on people! Right now, in our neighborhood we are being thought of as “those people”. You know the ones. They never take care of their lawn and as far as anyone knows, there could be a car up on blocks underneath all the grass! I am not kidding, it is BAD! In one spot it looks like we are starting to grow corn!

I have gone from asking, to begging, to pleading, to out right fit pitching, but alas it has not worked. We are once again living by Mark’s “code”, (and I quote) “I do not mow before April 15th".

So, if any of our neighbors happen to be reading this…I apologize. It is not me, it’s him! I promise we are not hiding a car or a broken down R.V. Please do not “roll” our yard, or put nasty notes in our mailbox. Just bear with me for a few more days!