Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hostess With The Mostess

This has been the craziest week ever! For me, the majority of the week has been spent in the car. In reality, I should have been at home…CLEANING! Kate’s birthday is this weekend and we are having a party at our house. In less than 48 hours, twenty five people, all of which are family members will descend upon my house. Anxiety is running high!

Yes, the “party at home” was my idea, but this is my normal ritual before any event that I plan. I have at least two days of “party planners’ remorse”. Anytime I have people over I have to strategically clean my house. This involves the things that normally fall under the spring cleaning category.

I think the house cleaning burden is affecting my mental stability. I’m not joking. While I was waiting on Kate’s ballet class to be over today, one of the other mothers and I were talking, but I do not have a clue what she was saying. All I could think about was, “I wonder if her base boards are clean?” I have got to get control of myself!

I can now understand why Martha Stewart could not remember the conversation with her stockbroker. I better pull myself together ’cause we all know how that one turned out.

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