Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prison "Break"

Spring cleaning is in overdrive at Casa de Crazy. I started cleaning about 4 weeks ago and I'm still not finished, but that's another blog all together. Today I was cleaning in Kate's room and everything was going well. Kate was in her room with me and Carter was in his. Suddenly, Carter comes busting into the room and the conversation went a little something like this:

Carter: "Kate, I hate to break it to you, but I am going to have to arrest you and take you to jail."

Kate: "Why babee?"

Carter: "Cause you've been bad, but don't worry."

Kate: "Will it be OK babee?"

Carter: "Yes, cause you know what the good part about jail is?"

Kate: "What?"

Carter: "You get 3 meals a day, you get to watch TV and you get visitors!"

Kate: "OOOOKKKKK, wets goooo!"

After that, what else can I say...?

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