Aww! Spring break is upon us, but I am not necessarily rejoicing over the event. Don't get me wrong Carter being home with Kate and me is great, not to mention getting to sleep late. This, by the way, for my kids is only 8:30am. However, after the last few days at Casa de Crazy one must ask oneself "who invented spring break?" My first thought, whoever did was obviously not from the south. Any good southerner knows that we do not take "spring" breaks in the month of April. The only thing most of us "break" for in April is a trip to the local allergy clinic seeking refuge and some form of relief from the green monster otherwise known as pollen.
My week started off on a high note or should I say a "no" note. Monday morning I woke up and could not talk. The green monster had taken my vocal cords hostage. The kids took full advantage of the situation and were running amuck. I had to be crafty and resorted to hitting objects with a wooded spoon to get their attention. Tuesday the monster released my voice and began to infiltrate my head (it has been hurting for 3 days now).
Tuesday also marked our annual trip to the pediatrician for Carter's yearly physical. The doctor informed me that Carter has weighed the same amount for the last 2 1/2 years and has grew 3 inches in the last 12 months. Dude...could you imagine? All I can say is "dare to dream".
Wednesday was "D" day (dentist) for both Carter and Kate. Are you sensing a theme going on here? The kids fascinate me when it comes to going to the dentist. They love it! Kate has what I like to call a "toothbrush fetish". Anytime we go somewhere she wants a new toothbrush and shoes. The shoes are a whole different blog altogether. As of right now, she has 7 toothbrushes and she chooses a different one each morning just like she were choosing her clothes.
Today was much better at the Casa and sadly we only have a few more days in our "spring break". May they be increasingly more peaceful and somewhat "pollen free".
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