Friday, April 3, 2009

The Battle Rages On...

Well my friends it is that time of year again. People everywhere are rolling up their sleeves, putting on their dust masks and cleaning out their drawers. No, they are not spring cleaning, it is tax season people! Unorganized audit fearing people everywhere are searching for every bill and receipt they can find, all in an effort to fill their plastic Wal-Mart bags and over-sized shoe boxes.

Yes, the time of year that makes all the “number crunchers” of the world out right giddy is upon us and it is most obvious at Casa de Crazy. In the entire eight years Mark and I have been married one thing has remained unchanged during the annual “number fest” and that is Mark’s unwillingness to mow the lawn. I realize that it may sound like I am being a nag, but come on people! Right now, in our neighborhood we are being thought of as “those people”. You know the ones. They never take care of their lawn and as far as anyone knows, there could be a car up on blocks underneath all the grass! I am not kidding, it is BAD! In one spot it looks like we are starting to grow corn!

I have gone from asking, to begging, to pleading, to out right fit pitching, but alas it has not worked. We are once again living by Mark’s “code”, (and I quote) “I do not mow before April 15th".

So, if any of our neighbors happen to be reading this…I apologize. It is not me, it’s him! I promise we are not hiding a car or a broken down R.V. Please do not “roll” our yard, or put nasty notes in our mailbox. Just bear with me for a few more days!

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