Sunday, January 25, 2009

Diary of a Dog (Pt.2)

A few weeks have passed and “Operation: Doggie Deception” is in full swing. Everyday Kate asks her daddy if it is the day that we are getting a dog. Hee! Hee! I LOVE IT! Kate is by far the best weapon that I have in my arsenal. She has gotten me out of cooking dinner more times than I can count. Hats off to Kate, she does her job well.

Operation Doggie Deception or ODD as I like to call it began with me bombarding Mark with email pictures of the pampered pooch that could be looking for a home. He was intrigued, I could tell. Next was the “drop the subject” trick. I did not mention the dog for awhile and just as I suspected a couple of days later Mark said “Ya’ll have not said much about that dog lately. Is there something wrong?” Ha! I’ve got him right where I want him. Mark is actually asking about the dog and I even got him to admit it was cute. Just yesterday he asked what if our friends decided to keep their dog. I simply said, that’s ok if they do other dogs will come along. Then I got what I have been wanting from day 1, Mark said, “Well, it all sounds pretty good I guess…we’ll see how it plays out.”

Dear readers I know you can not see me right now, but I am doing my happy dance.

Hopefully, I will be taking my victory lap very soon!

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