I was having a pretty good day yesterday and things were going my way. When I went to get Carter at school, the tide began to turn. I pulled through the pick up line and Carter got in the car. Then the teacher said, “If he says anything about something happening today, don’t worry tomorrow is a new day. All is forgotten.” Translation, Carter got in trouble today.
I immediately started to feel anxious. Carter in trouble? He is my good child, how did this happen? As we drove away, I ask Carter about his day. He said, “It was a good day.” I said, “EVERYTHING was good?” He said (in a softer tone), “Yes”. I said, “Did anything exciting happen?” There it was…silence. He said, “Well, mommy my car had to take a pit stop this morning.” Explanation, his teacher uses a race track incentive to promote good behavior. Your car races on the track, but when you get in trouble you have to go to the pits and loose a lap. (Don’t laugh, remember we are southern.)
So the conversation kept going and I asked all the important questions. So I asked, ”Carter, what did you do that sent you to the pits?” He replied, “I don’t really remember.” Don’t remember? Selective memory at such a young age… I said, “Try!” He said, “Well, I think I did something to Zachary’s head, but it’s not like he cried or anything!” Oh Dear Lord!
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